Wednesday, January 27, 2010


so today was second day of grade twelve.. ew
anyways we got our pledge and we had to practicee
pretty exciting ayeee tomorrow we start classes eeeek.
let's get it pumpingg ahaha. here's the pledgeee..
We, the Senior Class of 2010, make this pledge to the Our Lady's College Community.
As we embrace our final year we hope for one full of inspiration and fond memories; a year to honour the promises we make today.
This is our promise: to take initiative and act justly, encouraging all to make leaps from comfort to courage.
This is our promise: to triumph over adversity and fight for what is right, proud of what we may accomplish together.
This is our promise: to be ourselves, our best selves.
This is our promise: to serve our community with energy, spirit and joy.
This is our promise: to instill a sense of hope for our futures and the future of the college.
Ad Altiora; Ever Higher: this is our promise in all we undertake.
As seniors of 2010 we know that we will go forward together with the support of the staff, the student body and our parents. With our passion for life and learning we will strive to reach our true potential. We acknowledge the priorities of our College; tradition, excellence and community, appreciating the endeavours of all who have gone before us. We will seize new opportunities and challenges, making the most o all that is offered to us. Committed and determined in spirit we will support each other's efforts. Motivated and inspired, we will create a nurturing environment, respecting the diversity and uniqueness of all. Supportive and loyal we will help one another and work together to make this a memorable year.
"So great is the power we posses in our unity." From these wise words of Mary MacKillop we seek to be inspired and guided, hoping to emulate the fierce spirit of this remarkable woman.
These are our promises, our actions, and our legacy. This is our pledge to you as we strive Ad Altiora - Ever Higher.

I Can Transform Yaa.

I Can Transform Yaa.